Finally Affordable South Carolina
Liquor Liability Insurance

Number of Restaurants Saving Money

(Through May 2024)

Total Premium Saved

(Through May 2024)
$ 0

Required South Carolina Restaurant Insurance is Hard To Get

Any owner of a restaurant in South Carolina will tell you, the legally required liquor liability insurance is a very tough pill to swallow. We have seen rates go up anywhere between 50% to even 300% over the last 2 years. These drastic increases have left restaurant owners asking how can this be? How are we supposed to survive with such big increases to our insurance?

We hear you and we are here to help. We spent months talking to underwriters and many dozens of insurance carriers to find the solution everyone has been looking for. Affordable liquor liability insurance for our restaurant clients. What’s the difference between us and the other agencies offering similar products? Honestly, nothing we just spent the time to make the deals necessary to help our F&B community.

Are our solutions cheap? No. We can only control so much, but what we can tell you is that depending on your exact operations we do have the ability to potentially save you tens of thousands of dollars per year. Click Here for more information about what operations may and may not be a good fit along with some misconceptions. 

Who We Are, What We Do

We are a small, independent insurance agency that is part of The Ragnar Group Inc. Like you, we are wary of insurance companies and have a healthy distrust of them. Understanding that while insurance is a necessary evil, it is important to realize that insurance companies make money by not paying out claims. Our loyalties are to our clients, not insurance companies, quite frankly we don’t trust them as far as we can throw them. They haven’t earned our trust yet, and we are not surprised they haven’t earned yours yet either. 

Because of this healthy distrust The Ragnar Group Inc. does things a bit differently. The Ragnar Group Inc. doesn’t have one or two companies that we “prefer.” Instead, we try our best to pit the insurance companies against each other to try and find the best deals possible. Whenever possible we are advocates for our clients with underwriters to give them a better understanding of your business to try and achieve more favorable rates. We work with restaurants to make subtle changes to business operations to achieve better outcomes when it comes to insurance. Our company will also never share or sell your information. We are in this for the long-haul. To start a conversation with an actual person, not a chat bot or 1-800 number, click below and let us know a little bit more about you and your business.

To learn more about The Ragnar Group Inc. and the way we are changing the financial services industry from within, including not only liquor liability insurance, but also payroll, benefits and wealth management click below.